The Winding Road Podcast

Pondering life as I drive down the Winding Road. Stream of Consciousness podcast centered on gaining knowledge and understanding with an open, non-judgemental mind. Love, Inspire, Unite.

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Thursday Nov 28, 2024

My dog Ace comes along and a snake and a squirrel with a nut visit us on the winding road as we talk about- What my ideal day consists of, detaching yourself from your ideas, taking a scientific approach to our thoughts which entails trying to prove ourselves wrong, how to care without worry, why we try to prove ourselves right, how to win by not caring about winning or losing, development through the decades of our lives, not forcing things vs. waiting too long, and writing literary fiction. #podcast #philosphy #lifethoughts #streamofconsiousness #judgementfreezone #motivation #love #inspire #unite 

Tuesday Nov 26, 2024

What it supposedly means if you have an M on your hand, how not to let your phone control you, being overwhelmed by texts, figuring out how to flip bad things on their head, sharing things with people you are close to, feeling like you have to get your art out in whatever form that might be so that you don’t go crazy.  #podcast #streamofconsciousness #philosophy #lifethoughts #judgementfreezone #motivation

Monday Nov 11, 2024

Topics- My Trip to the Zoo: parts of animals looking like other animals and living beings, zoo animals not living free, animals having souls, reincarnation, saving animals.   
Feeling like you are observing your life a part from it at the same time you are living it, positives and negatives of being emotionally intelligent, having passion without obsession, your upbringing shaping your beliefs, asking questions to gain understanding, reading the room and reading peoples emotional states, someone bashing you possibly being more a reflection of how they actually feel about themselves.
#podcast #philosophy #motivational #inspiration #streamofconsciousness #judgementfreezone 

Monday Nov 04, 2024

How it’s special when a group of people can come together with little to no egos involved, the importance of doing things you love, persevering through failures, & more.
#podcast #consciousness #thinktank #motivation #love #inspiration #unite

Monday Nov 04, 2024

Topics- Taking care of your body to not only prolong you life but also so that your soul can thrive in your body, saying things are easy even if they are hard, a possible reason why we are supposed to be learning and growing in this life to prepare us for the next, why I would rather choke on greatness than starve on mediocracy, not dismissing people just because they don’t believe in all the same things you do, seeing near-death experiences from an atheists standpoint, a personal story of a family member that might have had an NDE, how I enhance my enjoyment of nature sometimes, are we truly in an awakening period or are things just more prevalent because of technology, & us as a microcosm of the earth.
#mindfullness #faith #philosophyoflife #freethinker #podcast #motivation

Friday Jul 26, 2024

Listening to your inner voice vs having thoughts, having to stop thinking about stuff in order to remember it, why I think we are in school in this life, how being a kid is kind of like tripping on mushrooms, making sure to fully take in moments, being happy for people when they leave this world.   #lifethoughts #streamofconsciousness #mindfullness #motivation #podcast

Tuesday Jul 09, 2024

The importance of supporting local, making sure you tell people how much they’ve inspired you, why we afraid of thanking people, holding in your love, Dark energy and Dark Matter, how we have everything backwards, Everything is one, possibility of reincarnation, overreacting to issues, building skill sets, getting people’s attention, & proving yourself.
#motivation #mindfulness #lifethoughts #podcast #love #inspire #unite

Tuesday Jun 25, 2024

What motivates you to get out of bed?, Why some people are night owls and others are early rises, My history of getting up early as a radio sportscaster, The temptation of the TV, Taking time to appreciate the great things you’ve done and how it can help propel you forward, counting stuff on road trips, why I love disc golf so much, my dream leading me to do something I haven’t done in over ten years, meditative dream like states, a story of giving up on my dog swimming, still being in the fire but no longer getting burned, & How many cardinals will we see?
@garymartinmedia on FB,IG, YT
#podcast #streamofconsciousness #lifethoughts #randomthoughts #motivation #mindfulness 

Monday Jun 17, 2024

How we can fall back into bad habits, not being ashamed of what we believe in, why love is the key, how this life is so short, how earth is not our home, trying to figure out how to be rooted in love more, overreacting to small issues, simple things to do to feel better, negative self-talk, being lazy vs not just getting something started. 
@garymartinmedia on FB,YT,IG

Thursday Jun 13, 2024

Awareness of God being amplified of late, what you can do when others around you are being negative to make it better, the one thing God kept telling me when I was living for the flesh, going from believing in a higher power to actually feeling it, seeing something in real life for the first time that was in your dream, is the tunnel I go down when I go to sleep the same as people’s near death tunnels?, going from thinking God might have told you something to actually listening to God tell you something, one reason for feeling depressed.  
#podcast #mindfulness #spirituality #love #inspire #unite #consciousness #motivation
@garymartinmedia on FB,IG,YT

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