The Winding Road Podcast

Pondering life as I drive down the Winding Road. Stream of Consciousness podcast centered on gaining knowledge and understanding with an open, non-judgemental mind. Love, Inspire, Unite.

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Wednesday Jun 05, 2024

Topics- Exploring rabbit holes of consciousness, Trying to explain how what created us is inside us and is us, how our energy towards others comes back on us, how doing the little things even if you think it won’t mean much can actually make a huge impact, how thinking about souls reincarnating back into the physical helps me not to judge people, the possibility that we choose our lives before we are born, focusing on learning as much we can while we are here for our souls progression when we return to the spirit world.
#podcast #mindfulness #spiritualjourney #lifejourney #streamofconsciousness
@garymartinmedia on FB, IG, YT

Wednesday May 08, 2024

On this Episode, I talk about my ongoing struggles with nicotine, how watching old TV shows takes you to the past, cherishing the past vs missing it, embracing special moments to their fullest and the lasting effects of doing so, a writing update on my novella, and not being the only one.
@garymartinmedia on socials.
#podcast #streamofconsciousness #philsophy #spiritualjourney #lifejourney #lifethoughts #motivational #inspirational #love #unite 

Friday Apr 26, 2024

Topics- My dog cutting his paw, reacting to criticism, assessing problems, learning that saying nothing is sometimes the best way to proceed, practicing gratitude, my dream that felt like astral projection, using our deeper understanding of consciousness to find our still inner voice, my new sauna blanket, theories on why God came to earth as Jesus, & jumbled thoughts about the spiritual world while I turn my car into a sauna.
#podcast #philosophy #streamofconsciousness #crazy #love #spiritual #motivational #nofear

Tuesday Apr 16, 2024

Not being embarrassed when you are new to something, getting sidetracked in our thoughts, efforts to be less selfish, why the negative seems to spread easier than the positive, our evolution in regards to creating conflicts, how to help others without judging them, writing a comedy bit, worrying about things you can’t control, and how I try to think about things. #podcast #motivationalvideo
#streamofconsciousness #inspirational #mindfulness #mindsetmatters #helpful #love #inspire #unite

Wednesday Apr 03, 2024

Laziness leading to bad hygiene, how stating the obvious helps us, procrastination being the biggest killer of dreams, doing things anyway when you don’t want to, the benefits of telling ourselves it’s easy even if it’s hard, & how working out has helped me. #podcast #mindfulness #motivation #streamofconsiousness 

Tuesday Mar 26, 2024

Struggles of embracing all four seasons, giving the positive more weight even if the negative is heavier, seeing through the bad, microcosms being proof of something greater, everything being connected, chasing the dragon of pleasure, catching ourselves when we fall back into old habits, making the most of what we have to work with the little time we have, and a writing update.  
#philosophy #motivation #podcast #mindfulness #love #streamofconsciousness

Friday Mar 15, 2024

Mortality mindfulness motivation, how even the good times in our past make us sad and what we can do to combat those feelings, having meaning when it seems like nothing matters, not letting your negative feelings linger, & how I slipped up recently.
#podcast #mindfulness #mindset #philosophy #lifethoughts #streamofconsciousness #motivational

Wednesday Mar 06, 2024

Topics- What we think others might say about us is more so a reflection of what we say about ourselves, it's not about being right or wrong, flipping the script when things aren't going well, how we get pulled back into the bad, figuring out what motivates us to get out of bed. 
#podcast #lifethoughts #motivation #streamofconsiousness #mindfulness

Monday Feb 19, 2024

Manifesting positives and not negatives, Thoughts and words becoming things, procrastination, making excuses not to do things, sledding our way to new neural pathways, how we are everything, the mirage as humans of feeling disconnected, how tapping into outer space helps us in our inner space. & getting the ego out of the way.    
#mindfulness #philosophy #deepthoughts #streamofconsciousness #positivity 

Tuesday Jan 16, 2024

On this episode, I tell you about the crazy history I have with 1’s and 11, a little bit about my past days of playing baseball, going to the 2011 World Series, the moment I knew for sure that the number 11 was a sign from God/universe, What the number 11 represents, What numbers can show us, knowing the difference between looking for certain numbers as opposed to them just showing up, and my fascination with shooting stars.
#podcast #streamofconsciousness #openmind #mindfulness #God #universe #numbers #philosophy

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